My Family

My Family

Monday, August 6, 2012

Cooking last week

Ahhh, a week has gone by. I tried cooking 3 new things.

This was the chicken crusted with cornflakes. It was really good. And the mashed potatoes were fake but have you ever put ricotta cheese in mashed potatoes? mmmmm it was goooood.

                                                                                             This was slow cooker tomato and basil soup. Now Joshua doesn't usually eat anything. But he ate the whole bowl full of soup. mmmmm this one was sooo good too.
 These are my kids. Such a great picture I had to post it. Actually on Sunday, I tried to cool a leg of lamb. That was really good too. The sauce I made was amazing. Raspberries go really good with lamb.
And this is Amber's first time wearing red. She looked soo cute. She is such a happy baby. I am so thankful she came to our family. She's added so much joy to the house and everyone.